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Beach in Mykonos

Kefi Ellie

Hey Hey! 

Welcome to my page, where I share my space with those interested in following my journey as I trip through  life. Currently nestling between Athens, Mykonos, and Miami FL, the 3 places I'm blessed to call home, I meet and indulge in a ray of experiences and beautiful souls. I was inspired to start blogging as I'm often asked to share my experiences and recommendations from traveling (mainly solo) and my super easy delicious traditional recipes. Just like you, I too have a lot on my mind, some nonsense thoughts and some deep inspiring thoughts that sometimes I want to share with those outside of my close circle. Friends and family are my comfort world and strangers on the internet are my entertainment! My goal with this blog is to create a space where I share personal experiences, recommendations, and tips for travel and soul and help others design their travels. We all know what travel means, what do I mean by soul? Anything from recipes to practices that touch my soul. I welcome you to share yours too, without a filter, this isn't Instagram, or monitored by anyone/thing. 







“When overseas you learn more about your own country, than you do the place you’re visiting.”– Clint Borgen

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